"Using Crypto To Improve Food"
     Created Exclusively For Organic Farmers And Consumers

Supporting Organic Farming
Fostering Parity Farm Prices
Increasing Organic Food Production
Improve Food Quality
Increase Food Education
Remove Chemicals From Food
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Producercoins allow anyone to participate in the future of crypto by receiving digital tokens when purchasing organic food from participating organic farmers or their designated sales outlet.

Producercoins are designed to offer a no cost incentive to organic farmers and the consumers who buy organic foods.

Participating farmers must be certified as organic food producers under rules established by The USDA.

These farmers are a special breed, just like the informed consumers who buy the food these farmers produce. These farmers grow chemical free organic commodities under strict federal guidelines, but they are not adequately compensated for their investment and their commitment.

Likewise, consumers who understand the importance of maintaining a diet comprised of these superior products deserve to be rewarded each time they buy food from an organic farmer.  These farmers and consumers are dedicated to maintaining good health through proper nutrition and Producercoins are designed to provide a strong incentive for more people to grow and consume organic food.

The launch of Producercoins will begin with transactions at the farm gate, at local farmer's markets and at participating retail stores, on a free to use, opt in basis under a concept called "Point of Sale Mining" where each transaction mines tokens that are deposited into the wallet of participants.

Upon each transaction, both the farmer and the consumer will receive an amount of Producercoins. The farmers will receive Producercoins approximating the difference between the amount they were paid by the customer and 90% of the parity price. The customers who opt into the program will receive an amount of tokens equal to 10% of the parity price.

A patronage system used by coops will further reward organic farmers and their participating customers over time. Specifically, a percentage of the tokens received by the farmer during each transaction (that exceeds their full economic cost of production) will be retained in the farmer's wallet and a portion will be released to the farmer each year. A percentage of each transaction will also be retained in the customer's wallet for future distribution to the customer.

NOTE: National average prices received by farmers (as a percentage of parity) are published by the USDA and will be used for parity calculations and cost of production estimates.

Here is an example of the formula surrounding the purchase of a $100 basket of organic groceries:

The farmer receives $100 via a standard bank debit card provided by the customer.
This payment equals only 30% of the parity price (as per the USDA parity index).
The farmer should receive 90% of the parity price at the first point of sale.
The farmer is therefore entitled to receive a compensating amount of Producercoin tokens. Likewise, the consumer is entitled to receive an award equal to 10% of the parity price for their support and participation.

This calculator will be embedded into the producercoins wallet.


At the moment of this example transaction, the customer receives an amount of Producercoins equal to 10% of the parity price with a portion retained in a pool to be distributed later as a patronage dividend to the customer.
Likewise, an amount equal to an additional 30% of parity (calculated in Producercoins) is retained in the farmer's wallet as the farmer's future dividend distribution. So, at the time of sale, the farmer will receive producercoins in an anount, equal to the difference between the cash price and 70% of parity.

A distribution equaling 1/7th of the retained tokens will be released each year.
This example uses Producercoins to create a theoretical 100% parity priced transaction.      

These transactions will operate under the newest decentralized blockchain platform, which is a new generation of blockchain technology like Solana or Cardano that's faster and more efficient than Bitcoin or Ethereum.

A community token called seedingcoin will be offered to sophisticated investors through a private placement memorandum to help launch Producercoins, Both cryptos may operate under the Solana system or the Ethereum system if the Cardano systems not completed soon.

The origin of the Producercoins concept dates back to 2014, but the timing and technology has only recently made this launch possible.
See Founders website HERE   

All Rights Reserved
Producercoins, LLC
A Wyoming Company